Can you help me?

The success of EasyMTU and Diskcat is growing over my head right now. It results in traffic jams with people who wants to download my free software. That's why I'm looking for some people who wants to mirror my site. Be sure that you have enough bandwith because a lot of people are downloading my software at the moment. Free sites like Tripod, Geocities, Webjump, xoom, freespace etc. just aren't fast/stable enough.
It would be really cool if someone could offer me my own domain in trade of some advertising on my page. All my software is free and always will be free. That's why I can't pay for a domain.

The second thing you can help me with is a new name for Diskcat. I couldn't think of a original name when I released diskcat 1.0 so the name is not very original. A new name could help people to find the program. By thinking of a new name you'll have to consider these rules: The last thing you can help me with is developing new realeases of the easy skin generator. I'm looking for a delphi programmer who can continue developing the program. I really don't have the time for it. I'll give away the source to any (non comercial) developer who can give some of his program examples so that I can see that it is in good hands.

Can you help me with one of these? Please contact: Rob Vonk